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Sanibel Heat -Werewolf Menage Page 19

  “I don’t know anything about the payment of the bills that you stuck me with,” she shook her head, and something clicked. “In fact, I don’t have to know anything about that any longer,” she flashed her enormous ring. “Since I will be marrying them soon,” Bren pulled her close and kissed the back of her head with approval. “They’re taking care of me; the way husbands are supposed to take care of their wives. This is something you know nothing about. We truly love each other, and we‘re going to raise a family together.”

  “You trust them that much?”

  “With my life,” she lifted her chin in defiance.

  “When they’re finished with you, don’t even think about coming back to me,” he gripped the screen door latch and popped it open.

  She didn’t reply, because she suddenly couldn’t speak. Her lips tingled; her face tightened, and she struggled for breath.

  With their acute hearing, Jayce and Bren immediately noticed her irregular breathing. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Jayce rubbed her back, while Bren wasted no time and called for paramedics.

  After clipped instructions, he pocketed his cell. “They’re sending a chopper. She’s struggling with air and can’t speak. What’s wrong with her?” he pleaded with Jayce for answers.

  Troy was searching through her bag. “Where’s her fucking epi-pen?” he roared.

  “What pen?” Jayce never allowed his eyes to leave Tatum. Her lips were turning blue.

  “Mouth to mouth,” Bren signaled Jayce.

  “It won’t work,” Troy swore and threw her purse. “Why doesn’t she have her epi-pen? Obviously, you two fuck-ups fed her seafood. How long is the wait for the chopper?”

  “Ten minutes,” Bren intertwined their fingers. “The kitchen knows about her condition. Chef Claude knows of her seafood allergy,” he directed towards Jayce.

  Jayce lowered Tatum to the floor and raised her torso on his lap. “I gave Jody explicit instructions. She was aware of her allergy,” he narrowed his eyes. His wolf growled at the sound of Jody’s name, and it wasn’t a good kind of growl.

  “What?” Bren kissed Tatum’s grey, clammy forehead. “You’re suspicious of Jody?”

  “Tatum was right,” he shook his head in agreement. “I think there’s something there; something we haven’t noticed before. Her instincts should be as straight on as ours.”

  Bren flipped his phone from his pocket and called Bane. Thankfully, the chopper was already on the island and landed in record time. Bren, Jayce, and Troy stepped aside, so that the medics could work on the woman, they loved. After administering lifesaving medication, they boarded, and air lifted her to Lee Memorial. No one was allowed inside the chopper, save medical personnel and the pilot. That didn’t bode well for Jayce, Bren and the pack. A member of their kind needed to be with her at all times.

  Jayce and Bren raced to the car. They were overwrought with emotion and heavy with guilt. A clear mistake or a planned attempt on her life, they didn’t know for sure what had happened. It ended with them. They had promised to protect her, and within days, they had broken their word. Jayce shook his head. “Let’s take form. We can mist over the bridge and avoid all the traffic. We could probably beat the helicopter, before it lands at Lee Memorial.”

  Bren glanced around. “I usually transform in the marsh,” he gestured to the wooden walkway that headed a wetland nature trail. “Let’s go.”

  Fast on their heels, Troy followed Bren and Jayce to the dark entrance of the marsh. In the misty darkness, his eyes fought for control. Unable to decipher the walkway, he unceremoniously dropped across jagged rocks. The pain was nearly unbearable, but he was alive. That was a fact to be thankful for, considering that he must have fallen a full fifteen feet. A snarl lit the air, but he was unable to move his legs to avoid the unknown. Closer, on the wooden planks, he heard the tap of the claws, as they neared his broken form.

  An unfamiliar, sinister voice rumbled from above as a solid shape centered the backdrop of the full moon. “Since she won’t take you back, I have no other choice but to kill you.” Troy Hillman never heard those last words.

  “Come on, sis, open your eyes,” Renee squeezed Tatum’s fingers. “Why isn’t she coming around?” She questioned the emergency room doctor.

  “Some of the medication that was administered induces sleep. Her vitals are good, and she’s stable. I have a script for a replacement epi-pen, and I’m sending a rescue inhaler home with her. A week of oral steroids and some extra rest will complete her recovery.”

  “Thank you,” Renee wiped at a tear. “When can she leave?”

  “I’d say in a few hours. I would prefer her to stay overnight, but the way insurance is now,” he shrugged helplessly, “one could have heart surgery and leave the same day.”

  “I’ll take her to my house, so that she’ll be closer. There would be no need of a helicopter,” she glanced at the door as she wondered where Bren and Jayce were. “Thank you for everything, Dr. Holt.”

  “Call for anything,” he met her eyes. “I’ll leave you my personal number.” He produced a card that Renee quickly lowered in her pocket.

  After the doctor had left, Bane’s broad body filled the threshold. Blocking out the hallway light, he purposely strode towards Renee. He simply raised an eyebrow.

  “She’s stable,” Renee sniffed. “She’ll probably go home with meds in a few hours,” she unconsciously leaned into him.

  “Where’s your family?” he questioned as he stroked her hair.

  “Believe me, Tatum does not want to deal with my family tonight,” Renee inhaled the scent of man and wild, as she pushed her forehead against Bane’s chest.

  “Well, she’s going to have to deal with me,” a cranky old woman wobbled in the room.

  Renee pushed away from Bane and sagged on the nearest chair, “Granny? What’s going on? How did you know?” Renee’s features hardened. “Better yet, how did you get here?”

  “Girl, you’re giving me a headache,” Granny’s freckled hands gripped her walker, as she approached Tatum. “You two,” she snapped, “go fetch some coffee and make sure that it‘s fresh.”

  “Of course,” Bane un-glued Renee from her chair and half carried her down the hall.

  Granny pressed her palms onto Tatum’s chest. A soft glow of power, from palm to chest, brought Tatum around. “Wake up, young-un.”

  Tatum blinked a few times. “I had the strangest of dreams,” she murmured.

  “It’s the full moon and you have mates,” Granny cut to the chase. “You have to get out of here. There are those after you that can change the path that you must take.”

  “Why did Renee call you?” Tatum blinked against the blaring overhead lights. "And what is all this melodrama bullshit? It’s like an episode of ‘One Life in the Toilet’. What did they drug me with?” The bright fluorescents were making Tatum's eyes burn.

  “When the potato famine hit, our family came over from Ireland,” Granny continued as if Tatum’s little outburst never happened. “Of course, we traveled by boat to America, since it was the land of opportunity and there were a great lot of us.”

  “You didn’t travel by boat from Ireland,” Tatum interrupted and rubbed her throat with her fingertips. “Your grandparents did.”

  “I’ve been alive for hundreds of years. Only after World War II, when I met your grandfather, did I allow myself to age. You see,” she continued. “I had a choice. I could mate with a werewolf and live eternally, or I could be with your grandfather, a human, and grow old with him. I never met my mate, never tried to look. So, I chose love,” she beamed proudly.

  “Oh my shit,” Tatum mumbled. “I knew you had dementia.”

  “You’re with Jayce Jordan,” she started.


  “You’re with Bren Walker,” she continued.

  Tatum’s face burned. “Who said that?”

  “I smell both on you,” Granny raised an eyebrow. “You’ve recently had sex with them,” she placed a though
tful finger on her brow. “I’d say you are in your first heat. It happens when you find your mate or mates, as the case is for you,” she stared out a window. “The moon is full, and you have to run.”

  “Wait…you’re okay with me and two men?” Tatum threw a hard stare at Granny. “What’s with the scent-o-thon?”

  “It’s natural,” she flicked a casual hand in the air. “You’re part werewolf. Your father is half, and he married a human…you’re more like a mutt.” She grinned. “It was questionable whether you girls would be able to transform. Your magic is limited, if not negligible. Molly is set with a human, Renee is young and debatable, but you,” she shook her index finger in Tatum’s face, “are an Irish Were through and through.”

  “You’re saying that I’ll change into a wolf,” Tatum snickered.

  “Not at all, you’re a mate. You have the necessary genetics, and your mates have set off your hormones. I’m surprised they’re not here,” Granny glanced around the exam room.

  So was Tatum. “Well…it’s a full moon. Maybe they’re out howling through the marsh.” Tatum barely hid her amusement.

  “Never run from a mate on the full moon. In fact, never run from one period. It incites them into a dominant frenzy.”

  “Please, Granny, don’t use incite and dominant in any sentences while I’m with you.” Tatum fought nausea.

  Granny removed her glasses and dug her fingers around for a few seconds. She took Tatum’s hand, palm up, and placed brown contacts in them. Tatum met Granny’s stare and gasped. Blue flames stared back. “You’re eyes are like….”

  “Your mates,” she finished. She stretched her arthritic hand and flexed long, black claws.

  “I’m going to freak.”

  “No, you’re not,” Granny shielded her claws and took an accessing look at Tatum. “You’re going to get out of here and mate, permanently mate. I was in love with your grandfather, and your father fell in love with your mother - do not ask me why- so, it’s up to you. You’re in love with them,” she popped her contacts back in and settled her glasses on her nose. “They’re both fully werewolves, as I’ve known their parents for centuries. It’s a simple thing, really, to honor your family this way,” she patted Tatum’s arm. “Let’s get you back to the island. You don’t want to deal with them if they have to hunt you,” Granny visibly shuddered.

  “Let’s say that I believe you.” Truth was Tatum’s mind had felt relief during Granny’s story. She was guilt ridden from loving two men, her wanton behavior, her downright horniness…and the biting thing. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”

  “They do. Go back home.” Granny efficiently gathered Tatum’s clothes. “Get dressed.”

  “Go back home?” she questioned.

  “To Sanibel, most of the Irish pack lives there.” Granny gave her a ‘hurry up’ sign. “By the size of that ring, I’d better get some damned good Christmas gifts.”

  “But…,” she stammered while zipping her dress.

  “Don’t complicate it, Tatum.” Granny gripped her walker and headed towards the door. “It’s natural, and you’ve been sidetracked enough. Let nature guide you to the life that you were destined to lead.”

  “Where are you going?” Tatum slipped on her shoes.

  “I’m going to use magic to confuse the nurses and sign your release papers. You won’t need the medicine after you mate. Your strength will fight anything, so don’t worry about the prescriptions. My paid cab is still waiting in the emergency-room parking lot. Go home to Sanibel.” Granny twisted and smiled over her shoulder. “Renee and her wolf will give me a ride home.”

  “Her wolf?”

  “Bane,” Granny shook her head. “Now, he’s a strange one.”

  The night held an eerie calmness. Granny’s words pressed her heavily medicated mind. Mates…are running under the moon…smelling sex…, she shook and hugged her arms around her bare shoulders. A slight mist appeared next to her as Gage emerged.

  “Gage?” she searched the darkness. “Where are Jayce and Bren?”

  “I don’t know. I was at the resort when I saw the chopper. I heard what happened and raced here,” he eyed her skeptically, worried. “They released you?”

  “Something like that,” she viewed the cab. Just as Granny promised, the driver waited in the parking lot.

  Gage followed her line of sight. “I’ll drive you back. There’s no need for you to take a cab,” he gripped her elbow and led her to a blood-red sports car. She had no idea what kind it was, but then again, anything was better than Renee’s pet carrier on wheels.

  “Nice ride,” she combed her fingers through her hair. “I guess I’m a mess.”

  “You’re beautiful,” he placed her inside and fastened her belt with a gesture that invaded her personal space.

  She swallowed her nervousness. Something, she didn’t know what, was giving her the most uncomfortable feeling. “Maybe Jayce and Bren are in the hospital looking for me,” she started.

  “I’ve checked,” he seated himself and started the car. “I’ll take you back to the island, where you’re safe.”

  “So…You’re Jayce’s business partner?” Small talk would calm her nerves.

  “I’m Bren’s, as well. How are you feeling?” He studied her with…blue flames. He was a sight, with dark blonde hair and a tight, midnight blue tee that cut into his mouth-watering biceps. Maybe…Renee would like him. Tatum’s gaze traveled across his jean-clad thighs. Perfectly faded and worn, they hugged his body in the most sensuous way, painted on by an accomplished artist. What was wrong with her? “I’m okay,” she grated and searched the passing cars for Bren or Jayce.

  Gage had her where he wanted her. Her scent was heavenly. It called to him on that level that only his golden princess could reach. He loved her. In some weird twist of fate, she had been dropped at his doorstep. It was a shame, considering that she belonged to his best friends, pack mates, and business partners. A shame he needed to rectify. He had been addicted to Tatum Shirley for years. He wished his cock would calm down. Hell, even his werewolf was chomping to taste her. He’d been around for centuries, longer than Bren and Jayce’s thirty some-odd years. Controlling his wolf was an easier task for him…but not them. However, when the full moon shone, Tatum Shirley went to the top of the list of their sexual scavenger hunt. Tonight, he took a sideways glance and studied the perfect swell of her creamy breasts, was going to be a feast of the flesh.

  “I can’t believe that he did this,” Jayce raked his claws over the silver netting. In mid-transformation, he and Bren were trapped under the poisonous element, trapped by a traitor.

  “What’s his plan?” Not a single opening in sight, Bren continued to search the net for weaknesses.

  “Fuck if I know. Although, if I were to have a doubt about Jody’s involvement with Tatum’s seafood poisoning before; I wouldn't now.” He smelled her before her arrival.

  “Speaking of the turncoat,” he motioned towards the deck. Jody’s footfalls neared the pit that held Jayce and Bren prisoners under the marsh’s walkway.


  “You boys ready to come out and play?” she somersaulted, landing poised at the edge of the deep hole. Completely nude, Jody presented her body as a werewolf in heat. Face against the ground and shoulders down, she raised her buttocks and spread herself wide in temptation.

  “Have you ever witnessed a dog as it tore into a rabbit?” Jayce leaned against the side of his makeshift cell. Casually, he folded his arms across his chest and raised his face to the moonlight. He was not interested in the sight before him.

  “Yes,” she innocently toyed with a strand of hair. “I don’t like domesticated canines or rabbits,” she pouted over her shoulder.

  “The smell of food tempts them,” he continued as if her inane chatter didn’t exist. “The smell of blood tempts me,” his stone-cold gaze perused her body. “I smell your blood. Yours is the blood of a murderer, a traitor, a liar, and an ignominy to our race. Even i
f you weren’t responsible for harming my mate, your queen,” he studied her as the piece of filth that she was, “it would be my obligation to rid you from our pack. In the animal Kingdom, the weak never survive. You must know that they are killed by necessity, as they are a risk to the survival of our kind. You should have been put down at birth,” Jayce’s wolf snarled.

  Jody spun upright.

  “Wait until I set my wolf free, Jody. Like a little white bunny playing in a dangerous field, you won’t see it coming,” he ran a thick claw down the wall’s slope. “Your neck will snap in my jaw,” his muzzle elongated as his voice thickened, “and your blood will fill my mouth.” Jayce’s tongue lengthened and swiped his canines. “I will present your lifeless body at the feet of my queen.” His voice was no longer his, body not his own. He had released his werewolf in the fullest of moons. “Come to me, little bitch,” he growled, “feel the wrath of an Alpha Male.”