Sanibel Heat -Werewolf Menage Read online

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  Chapter Nineteen

  “It was you,” Tatum stared into Mike’s eyes. “You were there all those years ago…one of them.”

  Mike cocked his head. “Mate you,” he positioned himself between her still confined legs. She felt the tip of his wet, wide cock slip past her lips. He bared his teeth and aimed for her shoulder, as his hips reared back for a full thrust. The weight of him, the heat of him, and the scent of Mike was going through her body, head to toe. At that moment, nothing else mattered. Then it was gone.

  Tatum opened her eyes to a blur of movement. Above her body, beside the bed, a fight ensued. “Bren,” Jayce ground out. “It’s my kill. He attacked the Alpha and one of us will die tonight. You can’t be involved. Mate or no mate - it doesn’t matter. “You killed Jody, remember? That should avenge Tatum and your beast.”

  Mike snarled and loosened Bren’s hold. Instead of running, he placed his body over Tatum’s and howled until her ears wanted to bleed. She was unquestionably dealing with werewolves. She had known before, but now? A room filled with flickering beasts was too much, way too much.

  “Please, let me go.” She was naked and cuffed to a bed.

  Jayce addressed her without taking his eyes off Mike. “Tatum, take a deep breath and calm your body. I don’t want to put you to sleep.” Not being said - But I will if I have to.

  “Jody. You killed her?” Jayce, still focused on Mike, answered her. “She attacked you, killed a human, and imprisoned the three of us. She deserved her sentence and died without bloodshed.” Okay, so he left out the part that she burned to death by silver. Why go there?

  “Mike,” Tatum wanted him to go away not be killed. “Just go Mike. Take the easy way out and leave.”

  “It doesn’t work that way, Tatum,” Gage stepped around the other side. “The laws of immortals aren’t the same as human laws.” He made a signal to Jayce. If Tatum had blinked, she would have missed it. In another surge of movement, Tatum was in Gage’s arms and out of the shackles. Mike’s neck snapped in Jayce’s muzzle. Slithering down his chest until he hit the floor, no mistake, Mike was dead.

  “Defeated,” Bren hissed.

  Tatum fought against Gage's hold. “You’re all killers.”

  Bren cocked his head, just as Mike had, and studied her. “Mine,” his eyes narrowed on Gage.

  “Gage, man,” Jayce drawled. “Put her the hell down.” Bren was long gone. His human side had surrendered to the werewolf.

  Gage gently set her naked body on the floor. It took no time for her to run. Run as if her life depended on it. Gage turned to follow suit, as Jayce stopped him. “Don’t go against our agreement, or you die this night, old friend.”

  “Never,” Gage stopped. It was time to walk away. Walk away from Tatum and her beautiful body, the flesh that he had just held so close to his own. They no longer needed his help. They probably never needed his help. With a sigh of longing and regret, he headed in the opposite direction of his love. Already, he was mourning her loss. Already, he didn’t want to go on.

  The vines were hiding a hiding place. Further, she ran into murky blackness. If what her Granny said were true, wouldn’t she be able to see better at night? It wasn’t happening. She felt strangely different after drinking from Mike. She trembled. Naked and covered in Mike’s blood, her instincts told her not to run. That was ridiculous. Werewolves were chasing her. They had killed right in front of her.

  Granny’s words were dangling through the corridors of her mind with something about never running from her mate. Yeah, that was so not going to happen. They were murderers. Sure, Jody deserved what she got. She killed and was killed. Anyone could understand that, right? Mike, what was up with that? Right in Jayce’s jaw, she watched Mike lose his life - heard the crunch of his spine. Mike scared her. Jody scared her more. Jayce was on the top of the food chain. That she couldn’t deal with it.

  Crap but her skin was on fire. Her womb clenched as she dripped between her thighs. No one was touching her, and she was wet. She felt open. Down there, between her legs, she felt open…stretched. Tumbling her fingers through her hair, she looked left and right. There had to be a way back to the bed and breakfast. Maybe she could break into Bren’s office and snatch her clothes without anyone seeing her nudity. Yeah, right and pigs were flying a few minutes ago, wasn’t going to happen. Now what?

  She received a reply to her unspoken question. Above her, on the branch of a tree, Bren watched her. Watched was a loose term. His gaze was steady, intent and with a primal purpose. She was his prey. She was hunted. A slow blink interrupted his features, as his tongue made an appearance. Very deliberately, he licked his right canine and focused on the telltale pulse at the base of her throat. A lazy smile hid behind the current of his werewolf, as though Bren was behind a waterfall. Partially hidden behind a current of power and a façade of a monster, his body waited for her, burned for her.

  She realized she wasn’t moving. Had he frozen her? Now, she knew most of the depths of their powers. If they could put her to sleep, they could freeze her in place. She picked up her feet and ran. Obviously, they weren’t trying to stop her, but why? A growl lit the night. A deep, earth-rumbling growl that sounded like a merciless laugh followed. Was he laughing at her? The heat seared her back. Her skin ignited with Bren’s nearness. Reminding herself why she was running, she remembered dead bodies. Yeah, damn straight she did. She couldn’t align herself with monsters that killed. Drip, drip, drip, down her thighs the arousal flowed.

  An oversized hand palmed her belly, as a mouth clamped the tender flesh between her neck and shoulder. She landed face first on clean, pine mulch. She didn’t feel the brunt of her fall, as Bren had taken it for her. A wet, slow motion of his mouth, his fangs, relaxed her. Going limp, she gave in to his needs and to her own. There was something in the bite, maybe a chemical reaction? She wasn’t sure. Her bodily sensations rose, fevering. It was similar to an orgasm but not. Stunned, she realized he was moving inside her from behind. In his werewolf form, he was undeniable and enormous. He touched every part of her body. Nothing was overlooked, and everything overturned. Why had she run from this?

  Warm, hot, and sizzling, she arched. She felt every bump, ridge, and vein of his heavy sex. Now, the super-sonic climax was reaching her. Turning her inside out with his passion and possession, she fought to buck against him. Too much was an understatement. She couldn’t survive an orgasm this strong. His thrusts were increasing. Harder, stronger, thicker, longer…, unbelievably, he was getting longer. A low growl hit her ear. He was still drinking and still grinding inside her. His muscled thighs pressed the back of her legs further apart. Reaching his strong palm from her belly to her mound, he pulled her on her knees.

  Rotating his hips, he spun his cock counter clockwise. Eliciting an unfamiliar response of ecstasy from her body, she screamed and cried for him to stop. Next, she screamed and cried for him to keep going. Then, she didn’t know what happened since everything was crazed in her mind.

  Her body was convulsing, engorging, and transforming into a lush abyss of sexual need. Hot, she was so hot. He released her shoulder and turned her on his cock. Never having to withdraw, he plunged deeper and burned her cervix. Two sets of eyes met hers. His werewolf’s eyes flickered over Bren’s face. Both eyes showed possession, need, and power. She could distinct the power of the two. The beast was moving his nose and sniffing the air. Bren’s blue gaze never left her face. Grunting and tensing, he removed his cock and splattered his seed over her body. It didn’t seem to stop. Arcing in the air in brilliant spurts of white cream, Bren stood and covered her head to toe. She didn’t know whether to laugh or be humiliated.

  “Mark you.” Jayce rumbled from somewhere above her head. Trying to explain, she thought. Bren brought his heavy palms down on her breasts. His hands, tipped with large black claws, smeared his seed on her skin. Not missing one single inch of flesh, she was given a cum bath. Bren snapped at Jayce. Jayce stepped back.

  “Mine,” he hiss
ed through canines with a look that would scare demons.

  “Ours,” Jayce was more controlled.

  So, she was extremely sticky. Cum and pine straw mulch would do that to a body. She raised her hands to calm her mates. “Please, don’t fight.” As an afterthought, she added. “Don’t kill, either.”

  Jayce stepped over her. His animal stood apart from the others. Still not hairy or walking on all fours, his beast flickered with a vehemence and presence that backed up his body with a promise of lethal precision. Where ever and whenever it was needed, Jayce’s wolf, just as she had seen during Mike’s kill, didn’t play games.

  He reached and gathered her by her waist. Upside down she hung. Hair sweeping the ground, she felt her legs pushed to each side. Then a tongue touched her core and entered her tightly swollen sheath. It was thick and elongated that she couldn’t tell if she preferred cock to this. So erotic, so naughty, a werewolf’s tongue should be classified as an erotic weapon. Any woman would submit to a beast with a mouth that did such astonishing things. That’s when things got better. Imagine that? Bren’s brawny arm snaked around her middle to lend support. Still dangling above the ground, Tatum felt a larger form of Bren’s funky tongue lick around her core.

  Jayce was tonguing her in and out. A slow, deliberate seduction inside the walls of her vagina up to her g-spot, as Bren’s tongue scraped and licked everything around it, including her red, hugely swollen clit. Her center filled with blood and so ready for more. Jayce pulled out of her core as Bren entered her roughly. His tongue seemed angry, Tatum foggily mused. Bren’s werewolf did not like to share. Jayce traveled to her bundle of nerves. A sharp pain followed the maddening, chemical-like, spiraling sensation. He had fanged her clit.

  Taking an edgy angle on body piercing, Jayce sucked the sweet nub between his teeth. The blood, her blood, so sweetly innocent inflamed his sexual palate. She tried to shake him off her. Let her try. She wasn’t going anywhere…ever. When this was all over with, a proper spanking was on the agenda; a spanking that she wouldn’t get out of, a spanking that involved leather. In unison, Jayce and Bren brought Tatum to the edge of the water.

  On this side of the island, the water was deep with dangerous currents and tooth-filled creatures. Jayce sent a mental order to the nearby gators and water predators. No one disobeyed the top of the island’s food chain. No one. He sensed their presence leaving, one by one. In the meantime, he planned to have a better drink of the body that was his. His by birth. His by right. His by claiming this night. Tatum Shirley forever belonged to him. Thoroughly draining Mike Carter’s blood from her body was a necessity. He could drain it all and refill her with his, theirs. She would be so woven with them; she would never want to leave. He would be able to find her anywhere and read her emotions to perfection.

  Laying her atop the sand, he cupped the seawater and bathed the mulch away. Bren’s scent couldn’t be washed away. Eventually, Mike’s would be. Since he was dead, he would never again have the opportunity to keep his territory marked. Bren had fought and won against Mike’s scent. Jayce’s beast wouldn’t have allowed him to kill Tatum. He would have killed his best friend first. Only after Bren had fucked Tatum did Jayce step forward and join the festivities. The tension that had left Bren’s body was followed by the predatory pull to mate.

  Slowly, lovingly, he skimmed her body with warm, salt water. Whether in his luxurious accommodations or nature’s romantic surroundings, he would always bathe, feed, provide for, and protect his mate. Tonight had been a narrow escape. Tonight’s dangerous fiasco would never be repeated. The enormity of the moment rocked his soul. He had waited for Tatum for an eternity. Since they were teens, he a pup. Bren had scared her away. Hell, he had scared her away. Into the arms of Troy Hillman, she went. Now Troy was no longer a problem. Nothing was standing in their way. The water was clear, the moon was full and bright, and their cocks were straining with clear anticipation. Bren’s low growls were coming from Tatum’s thighs. His dark head dipped at her sweetness as his tongue plunged the innermost core of her. Damn, she was sweet. So delicious was her cleft, her blood and her entire body. He was ready for his release.

  Lying next to her, careful not to disturb Bren, Jayce brought his lips to hers. He didn’t need this type of contact. He needed a rough, animalistic rumble. Bren, he was all-animal tonight. Jayce smelled the slight tang of fear that emitted from their female, and that wasn’t good. His voice, gruff with the beast, soothed her. He crooned in her ear while saying things that popped into his head that he had always wanted to say to her. Things from his heart, this from his lust filled mind. Things that he was going to do to her and things she was going to do to him. They had a lifetime to play, and a lifetime to love. After this night, through her ancestry and mating, she would be immortal, as well. He lowered his lips to her neck. Bren and Mike had clearly marked her flesh. It was his turn.

  A quick perusal found a place that was all his own. The delicate skin underside her jaw line, near her succulent jugular, called to him. With painstaking accuracy, he sank his canines into the butter-soft flesh and marked her body as his own. His property was not to be touched. All Werewolves would see the marks that were glamour to human eyes and stay far away. It was a mark that stated the obvious: die if you touch her. He swallowed his first, full mouthful of her warm, tangy-sweet blood. He rippled in response. The thought that he was her mate a higher form of a human husband; sat well. Finally, she was his. After tonight, no worries of ex-husbands or other wolves to stand in his way, the next full moon, he was getting her good and pregnant.

  Drinking, drowning in syrupy, wine-like intoxication, Jayce forced himself to let up on her pulsating vein. Bren grunted and left her center. Her exhausted thighs fell open as a well-worn book. She was worn out, and the night wasn’t finished. Jayce motioned to the water. The many orgasms that Tatum had incurred, the blood, and the extra saliva that Bren had pushed inside her walls were leading up to this moment.

  He knew Bren. Bren wanted to carry her into the water. He did too. With considerable reluctance, he stepped forward and entered the warm ocean to wait for his mate and co-mate. It wasn’t the Alpha thing to do, but he conceded. Bren was going to have to watch him mate her alone the next full moon. That was going to be extremely difficult. The offspring of the Alpha would have to come first. Meaning: Jayce was going to be the first to impregnate Tatum.

  Bren laid his solid body across Tatum. She had difficulty deciphering between the beast and Bren. She saw Bren’s body under the illusion of the beast, but she knew that he was in the background somewhere along for the ride. He was different from Jayce, yet similar. His stare was that same unnerving, predatory stillness. She couldn’t understand why she had been foolish enough to run away from this creature. Firstly, he was making her feel all kinds of pleasure. Secondly, she had an enormous hunger deep inside that a meteor couldn’t fill. Lastly, she loved him beast and all. He licked the side of her jaw. Seeing red on his rough tongue, she realized that he was cleaning her up. More licks, rougher tongue, more hip action, as she vainly tried to meet his dick.

  Opening his jaws tremendously wide, he clamped onto her neck. She flinched. She had seen Jayce do this to Mike before he killed him. Her feet drug the sand as her body was carried towards the water. He was carrying her as an animal carries its young. Not in pain and no longer bleeding, Tatum relaxed into the hold as much as possible. The water hit her back and enveloped her body. A muscular set of arms, Jayce, latched onto her waist as Bren let her go. She was tipsy, dizzy, and weak. The water was up to her chin and up to their nipples. Jayce drew a sharp, ebony claw across the center of his chest. As the blood welled, he palmed the back of her head and pushed her mouth against the warm liquid. “Drink,” his command overruled her rebuttal. She had drunk from Mike, and now it was his turn.

  Her body thirsted for his. The blood, the tension, the fear, and the sexual heat overpowered logical thinking. They ruled her world, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Minutes passe
d as Tatum felt the strength sink into her bones, Jayce’s strength. Sure, she had felt different after Mike’s blood, but Jayce’s was on a higher level. His blood was taking over her body cell by cell, and she wasn’t uncomfortable with that. She felt somewhat tough. “Enough,” his voice carried through her bloodlust.

  Bren, in a near panic, spun her and clawed his neck. Blood spurted, unlike Jayce’s welling drizzle, as he tilted her head with his thumbs. “Drink my mate,” he licked her mouth before he grasped her hair in a knot and shoved her face on the dark mess of his neck. He tasted different, powerful, and raw. A wildness that she couldn’t name accented his flavor and prickled her skin. A new awareness of Bren entered her mind. More animal than man, Bren was capable of a scary lot of good for nothing. Then again, who better to protect her than one dangerous male? She couldn’t argue with the logic of that, didn’t want to.

  As she swallowed, his body bucked hers. His erection so vast before, so primitive inside her, had grown. Imagine that. Jayce’s sex rubbed the small of her back. He was not going to lose any competitions. Reminding herself of the early night before her allergy attack, she thought of the three of them together as one. Loving, fucking, climaxing into each other. She was fantasizing of her body holding both of them while their bodies were bringing her to loving satisfaction. She couldn’t wait for it to happen again. She wanted them now.