Sanibel Heat -Werewolf Menage Read online

Page 5

  Jayce had to laugh at Tatum’s little spitfire of a sister. “No, it’s nothing weird. You’re in school, right?”


  “It’s costly,” he reminded her.

  “My parents pay for my tuition,” she tensed under his heavy scrutiny.

  Jayce tried not to roll his eyes. “You live on your own to avoid dear, sweet Mama. Try to deny that she doesn‘t help you with extras, and that you don‘t need some cash about now.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You won’t help or won’t deny?”

  “Both. What do you want my sister for?” Renee took a glance around the dance floor. The last time that she had seen Tatum, Mike Carter was breaking her feet during a slow ballad. The look on her face was priceless, and if Renee could get a decent snapshot with her cell, she would plaster it on her Christmas cards.

  “It’s nothing out of the ordinary,” Jayce swung her out of earshot as the song died down. “She won’t talk to me, and I need her to.”

  “It’s that simple?” Renee bit into a white chocolate mint shaped like a wedding bell and offered him the other half.

  He declined, “You’re good friends with my best friend, Bren Walker.” He was not giving up.


  “Why would such a good guy,” Jayce was laying it on thick, “hang around me if I were trouble? Especially, after all the years that we’ve been friends,” he explained. “Tatum has been gone. She’s divorced now, and I want to get to know her again.”

  “She’s not ready for a relationship,” Renee finished her mint.

  “Who is?” Jayce strove for casualness. He was ready for a relationship with Tatum, yesterday, in fact, more than ten years ago. He was tired of waiting.

  “She doesn’t need to be used, either.” Renee narrowed her eyes.

  “I see that my reputation precedes me. Although, I assure you, that I’m not as bad as you’ve heard.”

  “Actually, for Tatum’s sake, I hope that you are,” Renee laughed and held her hand out to shake his.

  He raised a skeptical eyebrow and took her hand. “We have a deal, then?”

  “Damn straight, no funny business, though.”

  “Believe me, she won’t be laughing.” Jayce shuddered inwardly. His little hellcat would be clawing his face off if she were to know the deal that he had just made with her sister.

  “Oh, and pay up.”

  Jayce discreetly drew her to the far corner to empty a portion of his wallet. Renee, much like him, knew a fair deal when she saw it. Much like her Mother, she threw her sister to the wolves.

  Another realization hit him.

  He had to tell Tatum the truth…soon.

  With clenched teeth and fisted hands, Troy Hillman rode a wave of frustration into the mattress. His lover, one of the several, could not satisfy him. She needed drugs, nothing hard, just some coke to take the edge off and numb her body. She was pretty, not Tatum beautiful, but she would do. He was much better at observing than fucking. He needed to watch - the experts called it voyeurism. He called it - sublime orgasmic bliss. Because, if he could watch, he could draw his climax out and torture himself with it. He needed his wife back, because no one could take her place. He had screwed her over, many times over. He should not have, because he needed her. What had he been thinking? He rolled off Casey, or whatever her name was, and flung his empty condom in the bathroom garbage can.

  For years, he had purposely driven his sweet Tatum to mind altering distraction. He always came when he had her, but he made sure that she did not, ever. That way, just thinking about it was exciting, she would masturbate for the cameras. He streamed them, made a killing off of them, and jacked off to them.

  Through carelessness, she found out. Instead of paying the bills that he had placed in her name, he screwed her over. Not because he wanted her to leave, he figured she would stay. After all, he was the only one that could pay them. Her puny hobby of a business did not bring in enough income for a decent lifestyle. Imagine his surprise, and anger, when she walked out the door. Of course, he did not contest the divorce, since she had threatened to tell his law partners. Although, she could prove anything after the evidence was removed from the house, he didn’t want his colleagues whiffing a hint of a scandal. Because unbeknownst to Tatum, he had kept the string of lovers for one purpose only: their homes were camera up, online and profitable. Absolutely, no one could give him voyeur satisfaction, apart from his wife.

  Divorced or not.

  She still belonged to him, and he had to get her back.

  Not because he had a significant decrease in online subscriptions, that hurt, but because he could not obtain the release that he needed. The tables had turned, and he wasn’t too proud to admit it, however, quietly to himself. When she came home, he would allow her one orgasm a week. That was generous and more than fair. Now, he needed a plan. He was brilliant with plans and had the money to back them up. He called a cab for his girl and went to his home office to work. He knew that she was coming home from her sister’s wedding soon, and he already knew what to do. He started on the online promotions to what was left of his subscribers. Their favorite little honey pot was going to be back by next weekend. He assured them and himself, as he clicked on his favored video.

  They weren’t from any of his girls or lovers.

  No, this video was their wedding night - a big seller. He rocked his head against his office chair and settled in for a night of stroking. His smile broadened, and his desire deepened since Tatum was removing her wedding gown. His groan bounced against the walls of his home office as he unzipped his jeans.

  “Renee took Mike Carter home?” She was bewildered, since Renee could not stand Mike. Tatum winced as she steeped across the sidewalk her feet throbbed alongside her pride. She had to accept a ride from Jayce Jordan, and he had a limo waiting. “Why do you need a limo?”

  “I don’t always need one,” he countered and dismissed the driver to open the door for Tatum. “While on this long weekend, I had quite a bit of work to handle and a driver accommodates that need. I can make phone calls, use my computer,” he shut the door, “and seduce incredible women.” His gaze was fierce, obvious.

  “Round and round we go….” Tatum was exhausted. “I’m tired, Jayce. I mean, more than tired. I have to fly out tomorrow night and have no more time for games.”

  “Not playing one.”


  His eyes never left hers. She conceded and looked away first, not being able to take it, take him. He thrilled her, scared her, and turned her on. She always ran, especially from Jayce. He was incredible in his tuxedo. No wonder women threw themselves at him, he was a dark angel with golden hair, and she looked ridiculous. “I look like a prom reject.” She motioned to her dress. The pink defied the color spectrum, and Tatum felt like a birthday cake for a two-year-old tiara-wearing princess.

  “We didn’t go to the prom together.”

  He fixated on her chest. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms over her tingling breasts, traitors. Her nipples were probably poking through the thin material the whole time. Whom was she kidding? He knew he was hot, and now, thanks to her nipples, he knew she was horny…for him. “No, we didn’t go to the prom together.” Where was this conversation headed?

  Why was he bringing up the past? Oh yeah, distracted by the bounty in front of him, which were huge, aroused breasts. His body was on fire, and the rush to his groin pulled his mind away from the task. What was that? Right, he had to build her trust - with him. He let out a groan.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He could not believe that he groaned aloud. A smile curved his lips. “I want to be your boyfriend.”

  She giggled, “Is there a cut off for that, maybe sixteen?” She couldn’t help it. The look on his face brought her back more than a decade.

  “I never asked you.”

  “You’re asking, now?” She sobered. “So…you want your make-out session, and you think that you have to be my boyfriend? Is that supposed to make me feel respected?”

  “I’ll admit to never respecting you. Hell, I’ll admit to never respecting anyone for the first twenty-five years of my life. However, I am not asking for the night only. If that is all you can give, then fine. I’ll take anything that you can give me, now.”

  There was a lot of honesty in the bullshit. “Jayce, seriously, what’s the deal with you and Bren? Don’t tell me there isn’t, because there is. For what other reasons would you had known about the underwear thing?” She ducked her head, embarrassed.

  “It’s no secret that he wants you. Before we discuss the element of time, years can’t take certain matters away. Some things stick around and chip at your soul.” Bending forward, he placed his forearms on his knees. Somewhere along the way, he had taken off his jacket, loosened his tie, and rolled up his shirtsleeves. He felt comfortable with her, although she did not feel the same him. “Can I help you relax?” He reached his hand out and took hers. “Your palms are sweaty.”

  “Sorry,” her face flushed. “No, I’m not sorry.” She took back her hands. “You were such a jerk to me….damn it.” Tatum shook her head. Why did she bring it up? They were adults, many years over. Now, he knew how much thought she had put in their non-existent relationship. There wasn’t anything that she could say to cover her tracks, so she didn’t bother to try.

  His smile was reserved, but genuine. “I want to apologize for that.”

  She didn’t smile back. “Why were you in her wedding?”

  “Wilson is one of my best friends,” he shrugged.

  “Does he know that you fucked his wife, my sister?” No more white elephant in the room, she grated.

  “Is that what she told you?” He scoffed.

  “In a round-about way,” she met his scoff.

  “That’s not true; it was a few kisses and nothing more,” he took her hand and firmed his grip against her escape. “Don’t say it that way. I have never once touched another man’s wife. We were teenagers then, and you know why I did it. I never wanted Molly and tried to hurt you. Humiliate you as you did me.”

  “No humiliation, just anger. When that didn’t work,” she gritted her teeth, “you screwed my best friend. And when that didn’t work,” she had enough courage to face him, “you went for my former best friend, my arch nemesis, from church. My God,” she groaned, “why does it matter, now?” She was not talking to him, but herself. She needed to kick her own ass.

  “She refused me, just as you did.”

  “And Molly?” she questioned.

  “I never tried with Molly. Like I said, it was a few, dry kisses.” He closed his eyes in remorse. He had wanted Tatum, and she had refused him. In every turn that he had taken the following year, he was intent on revenge. She was not even bringing up the run-in with Bren in the woods. “I want to apologize for everything. All of it,” he breathed. “Everything was my fault and I can’t move forward without your forgiveness.”

  “It’s stupid. Things that happened when we were teenagers shouldn’t matter now.”

  “I don’t agree.” He was rubbing circles over her captured wrist. “We can’t move on, together, until we work through the past.”

  “Together?” She wasn’t following.

  “Right,” he was determined. “At this moment, I’m putting a word in for myself. Bren has had his chance, now it’s mine.” He brought her knuckles to his mouth and reverently kissed her.

  Tatum was never kissed that way, but then again, Jayce could charm a nun out of her habit. She tugged at her hand, and he released her. “Two dogs with a bone,” she rolled her eyes. “There must be a shortage this weekend.”

  “A shortage?” his perfect blond brows were scrunched.

  “Women,” she stared out the window. They were driving down McGregor Boulevard and Royal palms lined both sides of the road. Molly’s reception was at the Burroughs on the river, a sedate affair that had held the tang of old money. Obviously, Wilson’s family had footed the bill; otherwise, she would have had a church reception, much like Tatum’s, with cake, punch and a few guests.

  “I wouldn’t know, since I’m only interested in you.” Jayce was disgusted. Sure, he had no shortage of women. That remark meant nothing to him, didn‘t insult him in the least. What brought his ire was that Tatum had insulted herself. It was evident that her self-esteem was scraping the ground. Then again, she under no circumstances knew her worth. Even as a teenager, she never thought herself quite good enough for anyone. Her ex-friend - the bitch he screwed, her mother, and Molly played a heavy hand in her self-destructive attitude. He did not like it, and neither would Bren. Once again, he was rethinking things, plans. Time had run out as they pulled into Renee’s drive. What a dump. The house was barely twelve hundred square feet with no garage. He prayed it was a rental and was not about to leave Tatum there for another night.

  “No need to walk me in. It was…interesting to see you, again.” She wasn’t being a bitch this time. Jayce had overstepped his bounds and did not know her well enough to do that - not anymore. “Thanks for the ride home. I appreciate it.” She let herself out.

  For the moment, he allowed her to feel at ease. It was against his better nature to let her get her own door. Sure, she could feel uncomfortable to be alone with him. Renee wasn’t here and he was a large man, quite large. He allowed her to dismiss him, howbeit temporarily. He hadn’t found the words to tell her, the words that would tear down her walls and would send her flying into his arms. He had thought that she needed a tender hand, more space to calm down, after he had heard her revelations at Sven’s Men. It wasn’t going to work. He was an aggressor, an Alpha. Nature that he was born with and nothing he could help. He wouldn’t allow her to leave tomorrow.

  He drug in a deep breath and scented her. She was afraid, acutely distressed, and wary. To his surprise, she had just shut the door in his face. He had to laugh at her tenacity. She wanted nothing to do with him and was not afraid to let him know. Little did she know that a werewolf loved to chase, reveled in its allure to the primal nature of the beast. If there was ever a time that he had enjoyed himself this much, he didn’t remember it. He rapped the door a couple of times.

  She was back with a frown on her face. “I thought you were leaving.”

  “You’re breaking my heart.” He placed a large hand over his chest to emphasize his words. She was not buying it. He had never had to ask a woman before, but first time was a charm. “Can I come in?”


  She seemed to be fighting with something behind the door and appeared anxious. He stuck his foot in the threshold and pushed through. No one was hurting or scaring what was his, and whoever was in that house with her was dead.

  “What are you doing?” She screeched as a dog barreled over his feet and headed towards the road.

  “Sugar Baby!” she screamed. “Get back here!”

  Jayce ran after the dog. Thankfully, the situation wasn’t what he had thought. Still, he was putting that dog in its place when he captured it. He would have already caught it, if he could run at his natural capacity. Problem was there were neighbors, and Tatum was behind him. Why hadn’t she stayed at the house? What an insult. She could not even trust him to catch a dog. He had to change her way of thinking, quickly. Not accepting him was not an option any longer.

  “Caught you,” he reached for the dog, and it immediately cowered in an acknowledgement of Jayce’s Alpha status.

  “I can’t believe that she’s not fighting you.” Tatum was out of breath, and Jayce did not like that at all. Firstly, she was too good to chase a run-away mutt. Secondly, Tatum’s panting was getting him rock hard and causing his inner beast to stir.

  Mark her.

  Settle down.

  They turned toward the house with Sugar Baby under Jayce’s arm. “How can you lift her like that? She has to weigh a hundred pounds of pure muscle.”

  Because, not only am I a werewolf, I’m Alpha of the North American Pack. “I played pro-football, remember? I keep myself conditioned.”

  “Oh,” Renee looked down. She felt bad about herself. She was not that overweight, but she hadn’t been working out the past year and was soft all over. Her breasts, her monstrosities, were no longer perky. They were heavy and slightly weighed, sagged, down. Not to mention that her butt had a distinct jiggle that she hated. She gave Jayce a sideways glance. He was physically flawless. More than that, he was a walking tribute to fantasies everywhere, including hers.

  “Let’s lock her in the bathroom.” Jayce reached for the front door and motioned with his chin. Tatum stepped through and evaluated her surroundings. This place was a harsh, and even though it was not her house, she was beyond embarrassed.

  “There’s only one bathroom.”
